About Us

Fresh Start Recovery Centre has helped impact and recover many lives in Calgary these past 27 years and we are confident that they have the knowledge, experience and ability necessary to expand and modernize the operations of Fresh Start Lethbridge to meet the increasing demand for a recovery-oriented system of care in Lethbridge and Southern Alberta.
– John R. King, Former SCRC Board Chair
About Fresh Start Recovery
Reach out. We are here to help.
Established in 1992, Fresh Start Recovery is a nationally recognized leader in addiction treatment. We offer comprehensive care at our locations in Calgary and Lethbridge. Our objective is to help individuals reclaim their lives from addiction by providing specialized housing, treatment, and ongoing support, ensuring their needs are met during their recovery journey.
At Fresh Start Recovery, we understand addiction as a chronic brain disorder and approach treatment with a clinical focus on facilitating lifelong recovery. Our interdisciplinary programs are not one-size-fits-all but rather tailored to meet individual’s unique needs, empowering them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Recovery at Fresh Start is viewed as a holistic journey, emphasizing reconnection with oneself, others, and the community.
Our treatment program is grounded in the 12-step model and is supported by a biopsychosocial-spiritual framework. We offer a blend of individual counselling, group therapy, and recreational activities designed to nurture physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth. The peer support model runs alongside our core treatment, creating a community of care that reinforces recovery.
Fresh Start Recovery offers 123 treatment beds to support individuals in their path to recovery. Our facilities include a 50-bed long-term facility for men in Calgary, a 23-bed treatment center for men and women and a newly established 50-bed Recovery Community for men. All are in partnership with the Government of Alberta. Two of which are located in Lethbridge. All locations provide an individualized 90-day program with options for extended care, where clients can continue their recovery journey. This individualized care is to make participants feel valued and important in their recovery journey
With nearly 300 years of combined lived experience, our diverse team brings a practical, evidence-based approach to treatment. We provide clients with a safe and supportive environment to heal, grow, and join our vibrant Recovery Community. This approach ensures that our clients feel confident in the effectiveness of their treatment and supported throughout their recovery journey.
For those seeking treatment, Fresh Start’s client support workers are ready to guide you through the admission process. Please call 403-387-6266 to learn more about how we can help you on your journey to recovery.
The Calgary Facility

Calgary Amenities:
- Individual and double occupancy rooms
- Designated group rooms
- Meditation and gathering space
- Gymnasium
- Dining room
- Fitness centre
- Games room
- Movie theatre
- Laundry room
- Proximity to major transit routes
- Wheelchair accessible

The Lethbridge Facility

- Double occupancy rooms
- Group and individual counseling rooms
- Meditation and gathering space
- Dining hall
- Fitness centre
- Laundry room
- Outdoor volleyball court

Lethbridge Recovery Community

- Individual and double occupancy rooms
- Group and individual counselling rooms
- Meditation and gathering space
- Dining hall
- Fitness centre
- Laundry room
- Recreation room
- Theatre room
- Weight room

The Government of Alberta supports Recovery Oriented Systems of Care and Recovery-Oriented Communities of Care which include addiction treatment and post-treatment housing. Their goal is to create lasting Recovery in Alberta for individuals, families, and entire communities promoting the fact that Recovery is Real, Attainable, and Sustainable. All Albertans can experience the positive and healing effects of Recovery Capital. For more information please visit their website https://www.alberta.ca/addiction-mental-health.aspx
for more information about Fresh Start Recovery or any of our programs.

Your gift changes lives.
We rely on your time, talents
and contributions to help individuals
on their road to recovery.