Outreach Services

Empowering recovery through continuous connection—our outreach is your lifeline to lasting change
At Fresh Start Recovery we offer an Outreach service that is available to anyone at the completion of our 90-day treatment program, this is tailored to each individual. We understand that support in these next days, months and year(s) is imperative for maintaining long-term recovery.
Every individual has an opportunity to collaborate and define their path of recovery through connection with an Outreach peer support worker. Our team will work in unison with our Addiction Counsellors prior to the completion of treatment to ensure the best possible outcomes are met during the transition from treatment back to community.

The following can be expected for those that choose to use these services:
- Weekly check-ins
- Goal setting and reviews
- Resume building/job search
- Life skills programing/coaching
- Relapse prevention
- Community engagement
- Community resources
- Building community
- Staff on call 24/7
- Weekly Alumni Support meetings
Fresh Start Recovery is dedicated to offering compassionate, peer support to help the people we work with navigate the recovery process. Our experience has proven the transition from treatment to independent living can be challenging. Every individual, recovery for life.

The Government of Alberta supports Recovery Oriented Systems of Care and Recovery-Oriented Communities of Care which include addiction treatment and post-treatment housing. Their goal is to create lasting Recovery in Alberta for individuals, families, and entire communities promoting the fact that Recovery is Real, Attainable, and Sustainable. All Albertans can experience the positive and healing effects of Recovery Capital. For more information please visit their website https://www.alberta.ca/addiction-mental-health.aspx