“Recovery is not just about staying sober; it’s about building a life worth staying sober for. Recovery housing provides the safe and supportive environment needed to rebuild that life, one step at a time.”
Fresh Start Recovery Post-Treatment Housing.
We currently have three locations that are within walking distance of our main facility in Calgary and supported Post-Treatment homes in Lethbridge.

Fresh Start Recovery recognizes the crucial role of safe, substance-free, supported housing for those who have completed addiction treatment.
This facet of our program is a vital component in our effort to restore lives by housing, treating, and supporting people affected by addiction.

These homes offer an environment conducive to the recovery journey. These properties are overseen by a team of Outreach Peer Support Workers who provide comprehensive addiction recovery support along with case management for support and referrals in key areas of life.

These fully abstinent environments are designed with a modern, home-like layout because they are truly homes. These recovery communities foster long-term recovery, serving as a foundation for individuals to transition into fully independent living at their own pace through Fresh Start Recovery’s continuum of care.
The Government of Alberta supports Recovery Oriented Systems of Care and Recovery-Oriented Communities of Care which include addiction treatment and post-treatment housing. Their goal is to create lasting Recovery in Alberta for individuals, families, and entire communities promoting the fact that Recovery is Real, Attainable, and Sustainable. All Albertans can experience the positive and healing effects of Recovery Capital. For more information please visit their website https://www.alberta.ca/addiction-mental-health.aspx